
Transactional emails are emails that are sent to an individual based on a specific action they have taken. For example, a welcome email after signing up, a password reset email, or a receipt after making a purchase.

We provide a simple REST API to send transactional emails from your backend. You can send emails in plaintext, markdown, or html format. You can also personalize your emails by using the data you have collected for your contacts.

When using our API, you can choose if you want to send the content of your email directly in the request, or if you want to use a template that you previously created in IndiePitcher dashboard.

Send raw email endpoint is especially useful if you already have localization logic baked into your backend code.

Email formats

Plaintext Emails

Most emails are basically a HTML website that does not have javascript. Plaintext emails are literally just a plain text. The disadvantages are obvious, but plaintext emails are known to have the best deliverability scores.

Email open tracking is not supported for plaintext email since it requires a transparent (pixel) html image to track email opens.

Markdown emails

We make it easy to design your emails using markdown. You can then choose if you want to apply our email templae to make your email look pretty (common for newsletters and announcements), or strip any formatting to keep your email plan and simple (common for cold emails).

HTML emails

We provide 100% flexibility with html emails. Just paste in the html code of your email.

Email personalization

This is relevant for sending transactional emails using a template you created in IndiePitcher dashboard. The request contains a param called variables, which is a string: string dictionary you can use to personalize the template.

We do not automatically add an unsubscribe link to any of your emails. It’s up to you to add an unsubscribe link to the content of your emails. This is almost always recommended, or even required, but you may want to skip adding an unssubscribe links when sending very important emails, like letting the user know their account has been compromised.

You can add an unsubscribe link to the content of your emails by using the {{unsubscribeLink}} placeholder. This placeholder will be replaced with a unique link for each recipient that will allow them to unsubscribe from your emails.

  • Plaintext email: Unsubscribe: {{unsubscribeLink}}
  • Markdown email: [Unsubscribe]({{unsubscribeLink}})
  • HTML email: <a href="{{unsubscribeLink}}">Unsubscribe</a>

This will open a website confirming that the user was unsubscribed from given type of emails. This website will contain a button to subscribe again in case the user unsubscribed by an accident.

Provide category param to limit the scope of unsubscribe to emails of certain category.

Email open tracking

We support email open tracking and link open tracking.

  • Open tracking adds an invisible 1 pixel image to the content of your email. Loading this image will trigger an open event. Please note that this method is not 100% accurate, as some email clients block images by default, others prefetch the content of email without the user ever actually opening it.
  • Link tracking proxies all links through our backend. This allows us to track when the user clicked on a link in your email. This method is 100% accurate.