HTML Email Templates

Using HTML email templates provide the most flexibility, you can make your emails look 100% the way you want them to look like, and use out personalization feature to customize the content for each user.

Make sure to also get familiar with our markdown emails to help you compose your emails in a fraction of time.
When including images, make sure they link to a location hosted on your server / CDN. IndiePitcher currently does not support hosting of image assets.

There are many ways to write/generate the HTML code of your email, we personally recommend using MJML. Another popular option is to use Foundation for Emails or React Email.

After you’ve generated your HTML code, you can simply create a new email template in IndiePitcher and paste the HTML code in the editor. Don’t forget to set the body type to HTML.

Like with plaintext and markdown emails, you can use our personalization feature to customize the content for each user.

You can also store the HTML code on your own backend and use our REST API to send the emails.