Most products start with a landing page and a waitlist. It’s a great way to validate your idea and build an audience before you launch. IndiePitcher is here to help by giving you everything you need to start collecting emails.

  • Use our email collection form (example) or REST API to collect emails.
  • Automatic follow up with an email when a user signs up.
  • Receive an email when a user signs up.
  • Get notified using our webhooks when a user signs up.
  • Resuse the campaign to send out a marketing email on launch, or use our CSV export.

Creta a Waitlsit

All you need to do is to create a new campaign with an appropriate name, something like “You Product Waitlist” is recommended.

You do not need to set up your email account to start collecting emails, only if you wish to aumatically send an email to new submissions.

Email Collection Form

The easiest way to start collecting emails is to use our email collection form. Navigate to your campaign and enable the public email collection form. You’ll see a public link you can navigate your users to to collect their email addresses.

Enable email collection Email Collection Form

To track how many users have accessed the webpage, you can tap on edit campaign, where we allow adding custom code to the <header></header> section of the webpage. This way you can integrate an analytics solutoin of your choice. We recommend using Plausible Analytics, as it’s privacy focused and easy to use.


You can use the REST API endpoint to add an email from your own form on your website. This endpoint does not require an API key, and can be used by your frontend code.

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
  "email": ""

Get Notified When a User Signs Up

We’ll automatically send an email to all members of your organization when a user signs up.

You can also use our webhooks to get notified when a user signs up to set up custom notifications, such as a Slack message.

Send a Thank You Email

You can automatically send a thank you email to a user when they sign up.

  • Integrate your email account with IndiePitcher.
  • Create an email template with the message you want to send.
  • Update your campaign settings to use the email template.
  • Unpause the campaign, paused campaigns do not send out emails.

Send a Marketing Email on Launch

  • If you’ve sent out a “thank you email”, open your campaign and tap on “Reset outreach data” button. This will reset the outreach data and allow you to send out a new email. It will also automatically pause the campaign to prevent the same email being sent twice to a contact.
  • Create a new email template with your marketing message and update the campaign to use the new email template.
  • Unpause the campaign to send to start reaching out to your contacts.